The advancement of technology made easy to store the memory and carry it as we like. The most popular things which can carry memory now a days are Pen drives, Memory cards, CD, Chips. But the most popular among these are Pen Drives. We can carry data with pen drives ranging from 2 GB to 64GB. Here we are providing top 10 pen drive brands that are widely used now a days and they are of best quality.
Top 10 Best Pen Drive Brands In India | 2015 |
10. Sony USB Flash Drive
Sony pen drives are manufactured by Sony Corporation, an electronic business unit. Sony pen drive is one of the top pen drive brands in India. The range of data that it can carry is 4 GB to 64 GB. It is available in USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 interfaces.
Sony Pen drive Price Details in India
64 GB, USB 3.0 costs Rs. 2174 - Rs. 2450
64 GB, USB 2.0 costs Rs. 1600 - Rs. 1800
32 GB, USB 3.0 costs Rs. 1000 - Rs. 1592
32 GB, USB 2.0 costs Rs. 924 - Rs. 1074
16 GB, USB 3.0 costs Rs. 548 - Rs. 594
16 GB, USB 2.0 costs Rs. 463 - Rs. 498
8 GB, USB 3.0 costs Rs. 348 - Rs. 499
8 GB, USB 2.0 costs Rs. 299 - Rs. 345
4 GB costs Rs. 297
Sony Pen drives in India |
9. Kingston USB Flash Drive
Kingston Data Traveler are available in USB 2.0, USB 3.0, USB 3.17 interfaces. It is available in different styles in the market. Kingston is known as a top brand for its pen drive manufacturing which are made with steel so they cannot break easily and have long life. It is one of the popular pen drive brands in India.
The range of capacity that it can carry from 2 GB to 128 GB. The cost ranging from Rs 245 to Rs. 4590.
Top 9th Best Pen Drive Brands In India - Kingston |
8. HP USB Flash Drive
HP pen drives are manufactured by HP(Hewlett Packard) company. We can see these pen drive brands also in India. Like Kingston it is also available in different styles its data range is from 4 GB to 128 GB. The cost is from Rs. 309 to Rs. 4174 depending upon its storage capacity.
Top 8th Best Pen Drive Brands In India - HP |
7. Toshiba USB Flash Drive
Toshiba Corporation is a Japan company and It manufactures electronic products. Toshiba USB flash drives are one of them. Toshiba pen drives capacity starts from 4 GB to 128 GB. It is top brand for quality. The cost starts at Rs. 193 for 4 GB flash drive and Rs. 7100 for 128 GB flash drive.
Top 10 Best Pen Drive Brands In India 2015 |
6. Lexar
Lexar USB drives are very popular brand for its speed, The speed is up to 400 Mbps. It is encrypted with 256 byte AES encryption for high security. It is designed with metal alloy and it is easy to carry.
We can transfer files without using any cables and wires with this pen drive. It is available with wide range of data capacity. The cost starts at Rs. 275.
Lexar pen drive brand |
5. Transcend USB Flash Drive
Transcend is manufactured in Taiwan. It has a good demand in India. Transcend pen drives are manufactured by Transcend Information Inc founded by Chung-Won Shu. It has 14 offices world wide. They believe in quality and professional services. Its cost starts at Rs. 211 on wards and range from 8 GB to 64 GB.
Transcend USB pen drive brand in india |
4. Silicon Power
Silicon Power flash drives are manufactured by Silicon Power Computer and Communications Inc. It has customers in more than 100 countries. It is well known for its brand image and quality. The Silicon Power flash drives are available in wide range of varieties. The cost of it starts at Rs. 381 and its capacity is from 4 GB to 128 GB.
Silicon power pen drive brand in india |
ADATA flash drives are manufactured by ADATA Technology Co Ltd founded in 2003. Its products are USB flash drives, External storage, Memory cards, Solid state drives, DRAM module and Mobile Accessories. It's pen drive cost starts from Rs. 259. And it is available in 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB.
Adata pen drive brand in india |
2. i-ball
i-ball is launched in 2001 with innovative products and i-ball flash drives are one of them. i-ballis first dual connector pen drive in India. It is cheap and best brand in India. The cost of it starts at Rs. 316. And range from 4 GB to 64 GB.
i ball pen drive brand in india |
1. San Disk - Pen drives
San Disk is top pen drive brand in current Indian market. It is an American brand, the security of San Disk is very unique. These pen drives are available in wide range including Cruzer Force, Cruzer Blade, Cruzer Orbit, Ultra and Xbox. Its cost starts at Rs. 235.
Leading pen drive brand san disk company in india |
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